What is Holistic Psychotherapy?

Sarah’s essential understanding of people advises that we all learn who, and how, to be in the world from our families-of-origin and from our early life-experiences. With that said, Sarah begins treatment of new clients with a careful assessment, which includes a diagram of the cast of characters, encouraging her clients to introduce her to the people from whom they learned who and how to be. Once they begin to understand where these behaviors, feelings and attitudes come from, they can choose to either hold on to those, or to develop and learn new ways of being. This begins what is called talk therapy.

Sarah uses the term holistic psychotherapy to reflect the fact that she addresses the whole person, body, mind and spirit. She will go beyond talk therapy, as needed. Sarah will help you to understand how your diet and exercise affect, and are affected by, your moods. If you are having medical problems, are on medication, or have to limit your activities, Sarah will help you find the information you need to learn how those issues are interfacing with the rest of your self. She will help you to explore your relationships, social contacts, or lack thereof. Sarah will help you to experience your life in a new way, so that you can experience more happiness.

Sarah is knowledgeable about nutrition, psychotropic medication, homeopathic medicine, traditional Chinese Medicine, and Reiki. (She is not an expert in any of these fields, but possesses and shares knowledge, and can make appropriate recommendations and referrals.)

Some of us have been in therapy for a long time, have explored many, many issues from our pasts, have exhausted what feels like a million tools, and yet still feel something is missing. Some of us find relief in looking beyond, beyond what can be seen by the human eye.

Sarah does not claim to see or speak with dead people. She doesn’t practice past life regression. She is neither a shaman, a psychic nor a spiritual guide, but she can help you explore your experience of spirituality, perhaps guide you to some new thoughts about it, and help you to figure out how you want to include your understanding of your spirituality in your life, in your growth and healing.